pp108 : Example of State Syncup Contents

Example of State Syncup Contents

This topic provides an example of State Syncup contents.

A sample State SyncUp content and the significance of each of the tags is provided below:

Contains all the members in the State SyncUp ring. 
Represents  a member in the State SyncUp ring
Contains the 'state' of a particular member  
            name="cn=monitor@cin0385,cn=monitorsoapnode@cin0385,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com"
                node="cn=monitorsoapnode@cin0385,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com"> 
Contains the 'state' of a particular SOAP-Processor (DN is in the value of the 'name' attribute, the Service Group DN is in the value of the 'node' attribute.)
            <workerprocess transient="true"> 
For internal purposes of state maintenance.
Represents the current status of the Service
            name="cn=XML Store Processor,cn=XML Store Service,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com" node="cn=XML Store Service,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com">
            <workerprocess transient="true">
Contains the preference of the Service. This value is used by the Routing algorithm in the client.
            name="cn=FTP Processor,cn=FTP Service,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com" node="cn=FTP Service,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com">
            <workerprocess transient="true">
            name="cn=Event Processor,cn=Event Service,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com" node="cn=Event Service,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com">
            <workerprocess transient="true">
            name="cn=LDAP,cn=LDAP Service,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com" node="cn=LDAP Service,cn=soap nodes,o=system,cn=cordys,o=vanenburg.com">
            <workerprocess transient="true">

Encapsulates the problems at the Service. Used by the Routing algorithm at the client. Contains each of the problem that has occurred, the Problem ID for uniquely representing the problem, the Managed component name where the problem was registered, the creation time and a description of the problem.

                        creationTime="2007-08-06 08:30:34.296"
                        id="Cordys.ESBClient.Messages.directoryConnectionFailure" originatorId="/system#ldap_service#ldap_processor/system#ldap_service#ldap_processor/LDAP Connector/LDAPConnection">
                           The directory server is not available. The directory server may not be functioning, or the network may be encountering server connectivity problems. Ensure that the directory server is functioning, and the network is communicating properly with the server.